Staff Directory for May Whitney

Staff Directory Search

1 2 > showing 1 - 100 of 135 constituents

Katie Adrian

School: () -

Melissa Austin

Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher

Liz Ballou

Library Media Specialist

Emily Barinholtz

Spec Education Paraprofessional
School: () -

Barri Bate

Elementary School Art

Zoe Bourdon

Elementary School Kindergarten

Stephanie Brown

Elementary School Art

Maddie Burger

Spec Education Paraprofessional

Christine Buttitta

Health Office Aide
School: () -

Hong Cao

Spec Educ Early Child Paraprofessional
School: () -

Kara Cardell

Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher

Jodi Carroll

Spec Education Paraprofessional
School: () -

Laura Castro

Resource/Consultative Teacher

Leah Chally

Speech Language Pathologist

Marion Clauser

Technology Support Specialist

Tori Comins


Grace Cooper

Occupational Therapist

Natasa Djokic

Spec Educ Early Child Paraprofessional
School: () -

Tim Dowling


Heather Drawhorn

Assistant To Principal

Shannon Duarte

Social Worker

Shannon Eichele

Elementary School 3rd Grade Teacher

Stacey Elliott

Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher

Amy Elsen

One On One Paraprofessional
School: () -

Cherisse Faflik

Elementary School Bilingual Spanish

Morgan Figel

Spec Ed Cross Cat/Self Contain

Angelina Furlan

Resource/Consultative Teacher

Stephanie Furlong

Speech Language Pathologist

Lina Galasso

Spec Educ Early Child Paraprofessional
School: () -

Julie Garrow

Elementary School Kindergarten

Oksana Gerasymiv

Elementary School English Language Learners

Megan Glennon

Elementary School 2nd Grade Teacher

Desenia Gonzalez

One On One Paraprofessional
School: () -

Karen Gore

Spec Educ Early Child Paraprofessional

Melissa Grabowski

Spec Education Paraprofessional
School: () -

Jenny Granstrom

Behavior Intinerant Teacher

Loretta Grant

Spec Educ Early Child Paraprofessional

Megan Guerrero

Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher

Kara Harada

Spec Education Paraprofessional
School: () -

Jennifer Helman

Early Childhood

Lindsey Henkels

Elementary School Bilingual Spanish

Adam Hjerpe

Elementary School Vocal Music

Christine Hosteland

Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher

Vicki Ivins

Speech Language Pathologist

Abigayle Jankauski-Miller

Elementary School 3rd Grade Teacher

Urszula Kaczmarski

Spec Educ Early Child Paraprofessional
School: () -

Jennifer Kapczynski

Elementary School 2nd Grade Teacher

Paige Karch

Elementary School 1st Grade Teacher

Vicki Kay

Elementary School 4th Grade Teacher

Dan Keilman

Elementary School Instrumental Music

Jennifer Kettering

Elementary School Kindergarten

Tanushree Khadanga

Spec Education Paraprofessional
School: () -

Hunter Kidwell

Elementary School Physical Education

Carrie Kiecana

Resource/Consultative Teacher

Mallory Kleckner

Elementary School Vocal Music

Samantha Kluch

One On One Paraprofessional

Kristen Krueger

Elementary School Kindergarten

Dana Ladenburger

Assistant Elementary School Principal

Nancy Lafayette

Occupational Therapist

Tyler Lam

Early Childhood

Bonnye Lapotka

Spec Educ Early Child Paraprofessional
School: () -

Annette LaVine

Elementary School 3rd Grade Teacher

Jamie Lenza

Spec Educ Early Child Paraprofessional
School: () -

Diane Long

Social Worker

Paolo Losacco

Elementary School Physical Education

Chris Losavio


Beth Loyd

Early Childhood

Aga Macoch

Elementary School English Language Learners

Angie Maggi

Adaptive Physical Education

Jenna Malovey

Math Interventionist

Reneta Maltchev

Spec Education Paraprofessional
School: () -

Shilpa Manivassakam

Spec Education Paraprofessional

Paramjit Mar

School: () -

Dylan Matsumoto

Speech Language Pathologist

Kristin McElheron

Reading Specialist

Nancy McGee

Spec Educ Early Child Paraprofessional
School: () -

Rosalba Mendoza

School: () -

Maggie Moeller

Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher

Maria Moreano

Elementary Principal

Sandy Moskal

Library Paraprofessional
School: () -

Maggie Norton

Spec Ed Cross Cat/Self Contain

Erin Olson

Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher

Teresa Orpen

Elementary School 2nd Grade Teacher

Stephanie Ortega

Elementary School English Language Learners

Graciela Palacios

School: () -

Lori Pardun

Early Childhood

Debbie Paulus

Spec Education Paraprofessional
School: () -

Kelly Peterson

Reading Specialist

Lisa Peterson

Elementary School 3rd Grade Teacher

Jenny Pina

Elementary School English Language Learners

Angie Powers

Learning Support Coach

Miranda Preuss

Elementary School Instrumental Music

Michelle Pykett

Classroom Paraprofessional
School: () -

Nicole Queffelec

Elementary School 3rd Grade Teacher

Dana Rah-Khem

Assistant To Principal

Sue Rankhorn


Chris Reedal

Spec Education Paraprofessional

Mary Reitsma

Elementary School Instrumental Music
School: () -

Courtney Riep

Spec Education Paraprofessional